
What is it

Benefits under contributory schemes; Benefits under non-contributory schemes; Socioeconomic difficulty.

In relation to support provided for in international conventions, the following may be received:

  • Cash benefits (pensions and allowances);
  • Benefits in kind (medical care and medication);
  • Social services aimed at diagnosis and assessment for jointly building a support plan, which may include:
    • information about existing responses and support;
    • guidance and referral to community services/responses in the context of subsistence.

Who is it intended for

– Foreign citizens, refugees and stateless persons residing illegally in Portugal in a situation of economic or social difficulty.


Depends on the type of benefit to which the applicant is entitled, and on the diagnosis that is performed.

Where do I go

Social Security offices.

The information in this section does not exempt your from consulting the current legislation, as well as consulting the information on the website https://www.seg-social.pt