
The Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate for the Communities, is part of the European project REGIN – Regions for Migrants and Refugees Integration funded within the framework of the AMIF -Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, of the European Union, Whose core objective is to enhance the capacity of the various Regions in developing synergies in order to improve the integration of migrants. The project REGIN – Regions for Migrants and Refugees Integration is led by the CPMR – Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions and has a duration of two years. The Regional Directorate for the Communities is a partner institution in this project, representing the Autonomous Region of the Azores, along with five other Regions of Europe: Campania and Sardinia (Italy), Catalonia and Murcia (Spain) and Scania (Sweden). Three technical parterns are also taking part: the Migration Policy Group (Belgium), Instrategies, and the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs-CIDOB (both from Catalonia).

The Regional Directorate for the Communities promotes integration, interculturalism, and assistance to migrant citizens. It is in this context, and within the scope of the project REGIN – Regions for Migrants and Refugees Integration, that, in September 2021, the (Im)migrant’s Guide emerges, with the aim of providing information in an organized, systematic, and clear manner, integrating relevant information from public entities and associations that develop relevant functions with a view to the full integration, in order to guide them and promote dialogue and the coordination of available responses.

In the section Services of this site, detailed information is provided regarding the services provided by the different public departments and associations working in the area of migration, with regard, among others, to regularization of residency, job seeking, setting up a business, access to the regional school network, access to the regional health service and information regarding social benefits.in the section referring to services

Furthermore, by way of the Service Roadmap section, it is possible to identify what type of service citizens should contact in order to meet a certain need, along with where it is located, finding the information organized by municipality.