Social Integration Income

Social Integration Income

Legal Protection

What is it

This support is aimed at protecting people who are in extreme poverty. It consists of:

  • a cash benefit to ensure that their minimum needs are met; and
  • an insertion program that includes a contract (set of actions established according to the characteristics and conditions of the benefit applicant’s household, with the aim of the progressive social, occupational and community integration of its members).

Who is it intended for

It is aimed at citizens of the European Union, European Economic Area and Third States who have an agreement for the free movement of people in the European Union, citizens of other countries and citizens with refugee status who need support for a better social and professional integration, who are in a situation of extreme poverty and who meet the other conditions for granting support and are legally resident in Portugal.


The application is made using the Mod. RSI 1-DGSS form, accompanied by the documents listed on the form.

Where do I go

Social Security offices.

What is it

Legal protection includes:

Legal advice – consultation with a lawyer for technical clarification on the law applicable to specific issues or cases involving legitimate personal interests or own rights that have been damaged or threatened.

Legal aid – waiver of the court fee and other costs of the proceedings, appointment and payment of the compensation of a patron or payment of the compensation of a public defender (the name given to the lawyer in the case of a defendant in criminal or administrative offence proceedings), phased payment of the court fee and other costs of the proceedings, appointment and phased payment of the compensation of a patron, phased payment of the compensation of a public defender and assignment of an enforcement agent (it is always a bailiff who performs the duties of an enforcement agent).

Who is it intended for

Legal protection is a right for individual and entities that cannot afford the costs to access to legal advice and court system.

Are entitled to legal protection:

Portuguese and European Union citizens.

Foreigners and stateless persons with a valid residence permit in na European Union member state.

Foreigners without s valid residence permit in na European Union member state – if the laws of their countries of origin give the same rights to Portuguese nationals.


The application is made using the Mod. PJ 1-DGSS (legal advice) or Mod. PJ 2 DGSS (legal aid) forms, accompanied by the documents listed on the forms.

Where do I go

RIAC – Integrated Citizen Support Network or consult the Social Security website www.seg-social.pt.

The information in this section does not exempt your from consulting the current legislation, as well as consulting the information on the website https://www.seg-social.pt